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The New Three R’s – the building blocks of success

Finding Your Purpose. Creating a Legacy

At different times and in different contexts, success can wear many different faces. So what is success? What is it not? And what three traits are common to all successful people? Success – what is it? In the self-improvement world, the word success is often used, yet never really explained. In reality it is person and context specific. Most people imagine […]

Never Give Up on YOU | Bernardo Moya | Rise To The Top

I’m Bernardo the CEO of NLP Life Training, the founder of The Best You, and the author of The Question. I’m going to share some strategies with you. As we know, NLP is all about strategies. How do you do what you do? And I’ve obviously been NLP trained, and it’s certainly by me understanding […]

I Am Going To be Selfish | Bernardo Moya | Rise To The Top

I’m going to be selfish. The Title of my next book is called “Selfish Development” In my latest book is called The Quest to Find a True Purpose, and it ends with the idea of selfish and being selfish, and selfish development. So I’ve spent my last 10, 11 years promoting over a thousand speakers, […]

I am re-inventing myself. Are you? | Bernardo Moya | Rise To The Top

I’m reinventing myself again. Are You? I don’t even know how many times I’ve reinvented myself and then I’ve had to do something new. I was explaining that reinventing yourself isn’t necessarily becoming a completely new you. It’s obviously using your experience, your expertise, using your track record and what you’re good at, and then […]

Fast and Easy | Bernardo Moya | Rise To The Top

There is no fast and easy. My experience as an entrepreneur for 35 years Created so many different businesses and have seen and worked with so many great people, the people that have succeeded, the people that stand out, the people that make a difference, the athletes, the entrepreneurs, they put the work in. They’ve […]

Join Us, become part of The Best You

I wanted to, first of all, thank you. Thank you for being part of The Best You community. I hope you’re taking advantage of a lot of the resources we have, The Best You online, The Best You magazine.

My 7 Tips to NEVER Giving Up

When you’re leading the way when you’re a visionary when you’re trying to move forward and you’re trying to make things happen that no one else has done before.

Roku IS Going To Be The Next Big Thing

My advice is keep an eye on a Roku. If you haven’t got a Roku stick, get one. It’s very cheap, very affordable, and start watching things on content.

How Do You Stay Focused and In The NOW?

I take these times to think. I take these times to reflect. I take these times for me. I highly recommend that you take maybe your think week and put that into your life, moving forward.