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Forget YouTube

Rise To Top Online | Coaching Program | Bernardo Moya

Hey, are you thinking of being a YouTuber? Well, listen. Forget it. Forget about it.

Can You Afford To Be On TV

Rise To Top Online | Coaching Program | Bernardo Moya

The other day, I was being interviewed by someone and we were talking about the new trends what’s going on?

I’m Not Interested

I’m not interested, I’ve never, ever been interested in doing what everyone else is doing. Never happened and I’m not interested in doing what everyone else is doing at the moment. It doesn’t mean that I can’t learn obviously, I’ve always learned from great people. I love modeling amazing individuals that are doing fantastic things […]

Some People Should Read Their Own Book

Whatever you’re going to write about, whatever you’re going to be talking about, whatever you’re going to be sharing, whatever you’re going to be helping people within

The Advantages of Virtual Events

We’re going to be engaging with them throughout the whole week, and that’s why I think the best you expose it virtually with the different locations we have and the potential opportunities for you to connect with so many more people and really connect with them in a deeper level than you probably could even with a live, I think is very, very exciting.