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Do you see people that are so so busy? Spend time PLANNING

One of the things that I normally talk about is the idea of people being very busy. Do you see a lot of people that are permanently busy?

“Oh my God, I’m so busy. I’m just busy, just so, so busy.” Do you have a friend like that? Do you have someone that you know, maybe someone at work, maybe you? Maybe you are always busy. My advice to you is to plan. Okay? Spend some time planning.

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. And ultimately, a lot of people don’t appreciate the importance of planning, the getting every day, and focusing on meditating, focusing on thinking, focusing on ultimately, “What is my objective today? What is it I’m going to achieve today? What is it I’m going to feel?” If at the end of the day I managed to achieve all these things, I’m going to feel great about myself, and I know that I’m in one step closer to ultimately, whatever it is that you want to achieve in life, getting that book published, having the career that you wanted to have, building that business, whatever it may be.

But don’t be one of those that just spends a lot of time being busy, busy, busy, busy, busy. There’s just too many people being busy and they’re just not building anything. They’re not doing anything. I’m sure you’ve also seen or, I don’t know, the career of a lot of people in the personal professional growth industry, and you haven’t really seen them evolve much, grow much. They’re still talking about the same things they talked about many, many years ago.

But not only that, they’re not adapting to the new times. It’s a new reality of it. It’s not a new reality, it’s the reality. The fact is that we have to adapt, change, learn, quickly. It’s only those that do that quickly, and the only way that you can do that is if you stop, pause, plan, and make sure that you’re not one of those busy, busy, busy bumblebees, but you’re one of the efficient ones, one of the ones that get it done.

Okay? Thank you. Have a great day.