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The Advantage Of Surrounding Yourself With Excellent People

The idea of surrounding yourself around excellent people.

I think a lot of people want to reinvent themselves. A lot of people want to change the world. They want to become international global speakers. They want to become global entrepreneurs and want to change the world, but they want to keep doing that with the people that they surround or have surrounded themselves all their lives. And one of my hashtags, my favorite ones, is hashtag no negativity.

Unfortunately, there’s a lot of our friends and a lot of families that are literally very negative people

Unfortunately, they can’t be part of your growth.

It IS really important that you surround yourself with excellent people.

It is very important that you have a mentor or mentors and people that can hold you accountable.

If you surround yourself with clever, smart, intelligent people, it’s going to rub off.

You ARE going to learn more.

Read from the best, learn from the best, ask for help, seek advice, and seek counsel from people that can give you the right advice, not the wrong advice. And as my friend Bill says,

“If you surround yourself or you stand around four broke people, guess what? You’re going to be number five.”

Push and ask for help and surround yourself by excellent people, because if you surround yourself by average people, you’re going to be average. And in order for you to become the best version of yourself, you have to surround yourself with the best. Thank you so much.