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You On TV Webinar. Join ME

I wanted to invite you to a webinar that I’m going to be running on the 21st of December.

It’s the last webinar of the year and I’m only going to do this webinar once. It’s titled You On Television. The thing is, I’ve already shared it. You know, you should know. If you don’t know, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, I’ve been a seminar promoter for a long time, and I know that there’s not going to be any live events, any big life events, for quite some time. I think that the new reality for live events is going to be on television. I’m very, very excited about what television is bringing, all the amazing opportunities we have, and you have an opportunity to get involved. As Napoleon Hill said, “With every adversity comes to an equal or greater opportunity,” and I believe that there’s a phenomenal opportunity for you to be involved in television.

Now, if you’re worried about the investment, well, what you should be worrying about is not being involved. We already have loads, tens, tens of coaches, trainers, speakers, authors, that are already signed up for our new The Best TV Series. But we also have people that are getting involved and having their own channels. You can get involved too, and it could be free. It could be for free if you want to work with us if you want to partner with us. But I want to explain all that and so much more, and the reasons why you need to be on television, and why you need to be different and you need to be doing things differently because we’ve got a very exciting 2021 if you take action now.

So, join me. You’ve got the dates below. I’m very excited about the opportunity to share something with you and spend some time. It’s going to be very interactive. You can ask me any questions you want, well, nearly any question you want, and I’ll answer whatever I can, and help you, and hopefully entice you, and give you the information you need in order for you to stand out, be different in 2021, with The Best You TV and The Best You. Thank you so much. Take care. Have a great day.

Thank you so much. Take care. Have a great day.